
Can I remove a verruca on my own?

Because a verruca is likely too deeply embedded in the skin for you to safely attempt to remove it, we do not advise trying to do so. Instead, our highly trained professionals at Cryosonic can help you treat your verruca safely and successfully.


The greatest treatment for warts, verrucae, skin tags, milia, cherry angiomas, age spots, and other skin imperfections is cryopen. Amazing skin can be achieved quickly, with little discomfort, and without the use of injections.

You want Cryopen, but why?

Even though common NHS procedures can no longer be used to treat aesthetic operations such cherry angiomas, milias, and skin tags, the necessity for it still exists. Cryopen is an easy and speedy therapy for various common skin diseases without the need for anaesthesia or needles.

Who can benefit from Cryopen?

Because it practically causes no discomfort and doesn’t require any injections, cryopen is appropriate for children. Anyone with skin imperfections might be a candidate for cosmetic surgery, though it’s always a good idea to speak with an experienced doctor before having the procedure.

Many people have questions with Cryopen.

What Happens Throughout a Treatment?

After the undesirable tissue has been forced up against the skin defect, liquid nitrogen is applied to it using a tiny applicator. The chance for the skin to thaw and return to its normal colour follows.

Are There negative effects of any kind?

This procedure is considered to be less dangerous and non-invasive. Although adverse effects are extremely unlikely, the following few could occur:

  • The colour pattern of the treatment site will temporarily alter.
  • Sensational loss that rapidly fades.
  • Soreness at the treatment site.If you have any inquiries regarding any of these worries, let your clinic know.

How long will it take to recover?

It is not painful to receive therapy or to recover afterward. It typically takes 1-6 weeks, depending on the size of the treatment site. Sores typically appear darker because when new skin covers them, the old skin will crumble or peel off.


What conditions could the CryoPen treat?

The CryoPen can be used to treat benign lesions including viral warts, skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, and other benign lesions.

We can only treat benign lesions, hence a correct medical diagnosis is necessary before treatment. If a lesion seems suspicious, you will be encouraged to consult your general practitioner for authorization before beginning therapy.

Treatment can be given to the face, body, or scalp depending on the type of skin lesion. Multiple locations can be handled in a single session.

How does the CryoPen work exactly?

The CryoPen generates a pressurised, highly fine jet of nitrous oxide from its idea, enabling our doctor to work with millimeter-perfect precision. By freezing the intercellular fluid, which causes the creation of ice crystals that harm the cell membrane while sparing healthy cells, the targeted cells are eliminated.

Is it risk-free to use a CryoPen for cryotherapy?

Though utilising a CryoPen is less risky than using many other treatments and procedures, the safety of cryotherapy has long been proven, as has the risk of issues. Cryopen delivers N2O directly to the region while protecting the nearby, healthy cells. Cryopen has received FDA and CE approval.

Cryopen treatments at Cryosonic are always performed by one of our highly competent practitioners or cosmetic nurses because our team feels it is only safe to be provided by someone who is adequately trained.

Is cryopen treatment harmful?

The majority of the time, it is quite well tolerated with relatively mild discomfort. The nitrous oxide initially feels like a stinging nettle on the skin when it reaches the lowest point of the sore, but this sensation quickly passes. Sometimes there may be prolonged stinging that lasts for many minutes following treatment.

The skin lesion may become painful, red, and irritated after treatment. Additionally, there could be some blistering, and occasionally a scab could develop.

A higher level of discomfort, which may be felt both immediately after the treatment and for a variable amount of time after that, may occasionally occur from the need for a significantly deeper freeze. Contrast this with standard cryotherapy, which frequently kills healthy cells and can be very painful.

How quickly can I anticipate getting the results?

Healing might take anywhere between one and six weeks after therapy, depending on the size and depth of the sore. Dead cells that give lesions their characteristic darker colour will slough or peel off when the skin beneath them recovers.

A follow-up appointment is suggested four weeks later to evaluate the success of the initial therapy and determine whether more application is required.

What must I do following Cryopen therapy?

You will surely get thorough aftercare instructions when you have cryopen therapy at the clinic. With Cryopen, there is never any downtime; many clients plan this operation over their lunch hour and then resume work.

We do not recommend covering the area with clothing or a plaster unless we have specifically instructed you to do so. Usually, healing takes one to six weeks to complete.

If you think the wound might be infected, we respectfully ask that you book a review appointment with us as soon as possible (growing redness or discomfort, yellow discharge, or pus).


What may I expect after treatment?

A scab will frequently form in the days that follow, and the lesion may get slightly red and unsightly-looking. While it is possible to experience some minor scarring or a change in skin tone, these side effects usually fade within one to six weeks, and the rest of the affected area usually returns to normal. Avoid picking at the scab since doing so could result in scarring.

We provide a four-week follow-up appointment to make sure the intended result has been realised. At this subsequent consultation, a top-up may be done if deemed necessary.

Repeated pain that lasts for up to an hour is usual after completing the suggested course of treatment. A sore may then develop after the area usually turns a little red, hurts, and is inflamed. Both the crying from the wound and the crying from the scab are possible. Avoid picking at the wound as this may result in scarring.

In one to two weeks, the skin sore will dry out, take on a darker colour, and eventually peel off as the wound heals. It is crucial to refrain from picking at the wound because doing so will delay healing. Leg sores often heal more slowly than other sores do. If more therapy is necessary, it will be administered during a subsequent consultation.

How often will I require treatment?

The results of CryoPen therapy are long-lasting, although the sore may need to be treated more than once to be entirely healed. A follow-up checkup is indicated in two to four weeks to assess the effectiveness of the initial therapy and determine whether further application is required.

Can I use the CryoPen procedure?

Before beginning their first CryoPen treatment, patients usually have a lot of questions and concerns. It will be easier to ensure that you are satisfied with the outcomes of your therapy if you are knowledgeable about the elimination of skin lesions.

This will be done throughout your optional, uncharged exam. The treatment’s components will be explained to you, and your suitability for it will be determined. If we feel it is in your best interests, we could advise you not to pursue therapy. We always make sure that you get an objective analysis that considers your needs.

Who should not be treated with a CryoPen?

Women who are expecting or breastfeeding, as well as people who have autoimmune illnesses or cold sensitivity, shouldn’t use the CryoPen. Additionally, those who have keloid scarring should avoid it.

Is the NHS going to pay for this medical care?

Skin tag, milia, and cherry angioma removal is no longer covered by the NHS because it is considered cosmetic surgery. Thanks to the CryoPen, you may now have this treatment at Cryosonic.

Can someone with darker skin receive CryoPen treatment?

It will surely be preferable to undergo numerous short freezing cycles if you have a darker skin tone. This simply implies that in order to totally eradicate the lesion, you might require additional sessions spaced a few weeks apart.

Can a CryoPen be used on children?

Yes, the decreased pain makes it possible for us to often treat younger patients without making them uncomfortable. You will surely be asked to complete an adult approval form prior to your child receiving therapy.
