Cryopen Treatment Oldbury

Current best practise CryoPen treatment Oldbury employs cryotherapy, or extremely cold temperatures, to eliminate warts, skin tags, verrucae, milia, cherry angiomas, scars, and persistent hyperpigmentation in a gentle and secure manner.

cryopen treatment oldbury

Blemish Removal Oldbury

How does this work?

Cryotherapy equipment is FDA-approved and CE-approved. It is utilised to treat benign face and body lesions. Utilizing extremely low temperatures, cryotherapy is the controlled elimination of unwanted tissue.

The procedure employs a super-cold spray of high-pressure nitrous oxide to remove benign skin imperfections rapidly and effectively. Due to the extremely thin and pinpoint jet of the Cryopen, the therapist can operate with millimeter-level precision and safety. Thus, the nitrous oxide is given exactly to the treatment location without hurting the surrounding healthy tissue.
What Kind Of Results Can I Anticipate After Utilizing CryoPen?
The lesion will change colour, eventually becoming significantly darker, before developing a crust and flaking off ten to fourteen days later. The damaged skin will gradually peel off as your skin heals, allowing new skin to grow.

After the initial healing process is complete, the wounded area will retain less melanin than the surrounding skin, resulting in a lighter tone. Within a few weeks, the skin's colour will eventually return to normal. Depending on the extent of the incision, the healing period could last between one week and six weeks.

Cryopen treatment oldbury - FAQs

Does the CryoPen treatment Procedure cause pain?

You should get a little stinging sensation after a few seconds.

What might you expect soon after treatment?

If the tissue gets red, there is a chance that inflammation will occur. Mild discomfort and occasional incidences of blistering are among the potential side effects of the Cryopen treatment. If necessary, aloe vera gel might be utilised. The actual operation is completely painless. You may notice a brief period of mild irritation or pain following therapy.

How long does it take for the CryoPen treatment Oldbury to lose its effectiveness? What might you expect soon after treatment?

According to clinical tests, a single therapy session has lasting results. If you have a genetic predisposition to develop certain types of skin lesions, they may manifest in various locations. There may be instances where multiple sessions are necessary.

How long does the CryoPen treatment Oldbury take to complete?

The entire session, including the consultation, will last thirty minutes, but the actual treatment will only last a few seconds.

What alternatives exist for the elimination of skin lesions?

CryoPen treatment Oldbury does not require anaesthesia and leaves less scars than other techniques for repairing skin imperfections, requiring minimal postoperative care. The therapy sessions are brief and effortlessly integrated into daily life.

Does the Cryopen therapy treatment pose any risks or dangers?

After a CryoPen treatment, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation are both possible pigmentation modifications. In average, the half-lives of both substances are a few months, but their effects can sometimes last longer. Although nerve damage is uncommon, it is nonetheless possible. This is particularly true in areas where nerves are closer to the skin’s surface, such as the fingers, the wrist, and behind the ear. In the following months, this incidence should cease, according to the reports.


As contrast to liquid nitrogen, which functions at -196 degrees Celsius, the CryoPen uses nitrous oxide, which runs at -89 degrees Celsius. However, the extreme temperature required for liquid nitrogen to function is unnecessary. Since cell death occurs at -62 degrees Celsius in all benign tissues, nitrous oxide is sufficient to remove any lesion without affecting the surrounding healthy tissue. When treating verrucae and molluscum contagiosum in children and addressing aesthetic concerns.

What conditions should not be treated with Cryopen?

  • Unstable diabetes
  • hyperkeratosis
  • Cancer
  • Malignant tumours
  • Infections caused by heat exhaustion
  • Pregnancy and nursing mothers may also qualify.
  • Intolerance to the cold
  • Vascular insufficiency
  • Liver spots