Seborrheic keratosis removal is a procedure that involves removing seborrheic keratoses, which are non-cancerous, raised growths on the skin.
The most common methods used to remove these growths include cryosurgery (freezing them off with liquid nitrogen), surgical excision (cutting the lesions out with a scalpel), and topical creams and ointments.
Symptoms of Seborrheic Keratosis include:
• Skin-colored, brown or black raised lesions that may range in size from very small to several inches across.
• Scaly, rough patches on the skin.
• Thick, waxy growths on the face, neck, scalp or other parts of the body.
• Lesions that may have a slightly “stuck-on” appearance.
• Lesions that are only mildly itchy, if at all.
The exact cause of seborrheic keratosis is unknown, but genetics, sunlight exposure, and aging may play a role.
There is evidence that suggests changes in hormone levels can contribute to the development of these lesions.
Liquid nitrogen is used in cryotherapy to freeze a skin spot. Cryopen is used to treat non-cancerous or pre-cancerous skin lesions.
It can take up to 10 days for the treatment to heal, and there is usually no visible scarring.
Using the Cryopen to remove sunspots is incredibly effective. Treatment can begin the same day as the initial consultation.
On the brown spot, N 2O is evenly sprayed for 5 seconds at temperatures of –89°C. If you use this method, the sun/age spot will be destroyed because it will freeze and destroy the top layer of the skin.
In just a few days after treatment, a very thin scab will form on the affected area.
The scab will make it appear as if the brown spot has darkened in colour.
However, once the scab falls off, it will reveal fresh new skin. Usually, only one treatment is required.
When it comes to unwanted skin growths, Cryopen is a non-invasive, safe treatment.
However, as the skin tissue is frozen and thawed, you may feel a stinging sensation during and after the treatment.
For some, this sensation may only last for a few hours after treatment, especially if multiple lesions have been treated in the same area.
To relieve the pain, apply a mild analgesic ointment.
It is FDA approved and completely safe!
There is no known way to prevent seborrheic keratosis, as it tends to be a natural part of aging.
However, some basic preventive measures may help reduce your risk of developing this skin condition.
These include: avoiding excessive sun exposure, wearing sun protective clothing, using sunscreen regularly, and avoiding activities that increase the risk of skin trauma.
Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet may also help reduce the risk of developing seborrheic keratosis.
What Is Cryopen?
Cryopen is the most cutting edge and cryosurgical tool on the market today.
It uses linear compression cooling technology to target and eliminate skin abnormalities such as sunspots.
Cryosonic guarantees you results with no need to worry about scarring.
CryoPen provides a safe treatment environment for both the consultant and the patient when treating skin pigmentation.
To date, cryosurgical treatments have been largely ineffective in achieving the desired results, but this new treatment has changed all of that.
What Is Cryopen Treatment For Seborrheic Keratosis?
Cryopen treatment for seborrheic keratosis is a method of removing the growths by freezing them with liquid nitrogen.
The frozen tissue is then removed using either a scraping tool or an instrument that vaporizes the tissue.
This type of treatment is usually used to remove small, shallow lesions and can be done in the doctor’s office.
How Does Cryopen Treatment Work?
Cryopen treatments work by using a targeted jet of extremely cold nitrous oxide gas to freeze and destroy the targeted skin cells.
The treatment is relatively quick and pain-free, and usually takes just a few minutes.
After the treatment, the frozen area will gradually become lighter over a couple of weeks as the treated skin cells are replaced by healthy new ones.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Cryopen Treatment?
A good candidate for cryopen treatment is anyone who has an unwanted growth of skin, such as a mole or wart, that they would like to have removed.
People who suffer from dermatological conditions such as psoriasis or eczema may also benefit from the minimally-invasive procedure.
Additionally, those seeking to improve the appearance of age spots, freckles, or acne scars may be good candidates.
What Are The Potential Side Effects Of Cryopen Treatment?
The potential side effects of cryopen treatment include skin irritation, redness, swelling, and dryness.
In some rare cases, blistering may also occur.
Other possible side effects include temporary changes in skin color or texture as well as temporary numbness or pain in the treated area.
How Quickly Can I Expect To See Results From Cryopen Treatment?
The results of cryopen treatment vary depending on the type and severity of the condition being treated, but generally speaking, you can expect to see improvements within a few days.
In some cases, complete resolution may take up to several weeks or longer.
How Long Does The Cryopen Treatment Session Last?
The cryopen treatment session lasts approximately 15 minutes.
How Many Sessions Of Cryopen Treatment Will I Need?
It is difficult to ascertain how many sessions of cryopen treatment you will need without discussing your individual case with a qualified medical professional.
The number of sessions required will depend on the size, location and severity of the condition being treated.
Cryosonic extends a warm invitation to reach out to us today!
Let’s connect to delve deeper into your goals, assess your suitability for Cryopen treatment, and get better acquainted with your needs and aspirations.