Due to the thick dermis on the feet, verrucae resemble warts but have a flatter appearance. Verrucae warts are caused by the HPV virus that attacks the skin on the bottom of the feet.
The virus flourishes in warm and moist environments like changing rooms and swimming pools. Little puddles on the surface of pool tiles are a breeding ground for HPV.
More commonly known as verrucae, plantar warts can be incredibly painful, especially if they are large. Pain or tenderness in your foot while walking may be one of the first symptoms you notice if you have this condition.
Your skin will become circular, with a depressed area in the middle once the wart has formed.
There is a possibility that the wart will be yellowed, crusted, or even have a black spot in the middle.
Plantar warts are also caused by the Human Papilloma Virus, just like the common verruca vulgaris warts (HPV).
They’re more difficult to treat because of the thicker hyperkeratotic layer that forms on the bottom of the feet.
This makes it more challenging to treat because the virus causing the problem is much deeper in the body.
One week before your appointment, soak the affected area daily for 5 minutes and then file or exfoliate as this helps to soften the dermis ready for treating with the Cryopen.
The “slow-freeze” technology used in commercial wart and verrucae removal products like Wartner and Bazuka allows the cells to protect themselves and destroy the lesion slowly, if at all.
With Cryopen, fast freezing (-40 degrees Celsius in 10 seconds) destroys the nucleus, removing the lesion because it hasn’t had time to defend itself.
According to researchers, this helps the immune system recognize the virus, making it less likely for patients to get a verruca again.
In contrast, other forms of cryosurgery are either not cold enough or result in too many side effects.
Dependent on the size of the verruca, the Cryopen sprays N2O with precision onto the affected area for 45 to 60 seconds until the cells become crystallised and frozen.
As a precautionary measure, follow these guidelines:
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